Message from the Editor / Webmaster June 2018

Hello everyone, exciting times ahead with our ride calendar for the second half of 2018 packed and full of rides.
Our distribution list for the newsletter and Facebook sites have really grown nicely over the last year, with lots of subscribers and followers from outside the branch, so we felt now was the time to introduce a small “donation” of sorts for those who want to advertise something for sale.
For non members (members can advertise anything – this is for non members only) we will be asking for a $5 per month per platform fee to advertise sale items. That is if you want your ad in the newsletter the fee is $5 if you want it in the newsletter and on our Facebook page, that would cost $10 per month.
It is a good way for us to raise money – and a small fee from those who want to advertise something to our members is a reasonable ask.
So in line with this we now have a ‘Shop” on Facebook, you can find it through this link – SHOP – contact the seller direct if you see something you want more information on. If you have anything you want to sell and would like us to post it for you, see Cackles (Lisa).
That is it for me – take care all, hope to you on a ride soon.
Cackles (Lisa)