Crows Nest

The long awaited ride report has finally arrived, (after a couple of fines).
13 Bikes left Browns Plains on a misty morning with rain threatening bound for Crows Nest to participate in the celebrations of the town being designated a biker friendly destination.
As we heading to first stop at Esk the mist cleared to a very nice day, though a bit hot by now.
Once arriving in Esk a few cool drinks were in order at the Café and the raffle was drawn ( I missed this as I was in the naughty corner (smoking of course) luckily “The Sheriff” wasn’t there so I escaped another fine, anyway the raffle was won by Smokey our ride leader…maybe there is another fine gone begging, continuing on we enjoyed a very pleasant ride along the scenic route to arrive at our destination Crows Nest which was alive with activity and countless bikes of all makes, models, sizes and styles were dotted everywhere you looked, we decided to head for the local Hotel and get in for lunch to beat the crowds…a very nice lunch indeed, mostly pizza.
After lunch we decided to have a wander through the markets, unfortunately, we spent too much time in the hotel enjoying the conversations and company…the market stall holders were packing up.
So we took time to have a look around to admire (and bag) some of the bikes, some pretty impressive “Spiders” I must admit.
It wasn’t long before we were on the road again heading down through Murphy’s Creek and onto Gatton for our final stop at Macca’s Gatton, this was where it got interesting …there is 2 Macca’s in Gatton and Loz got a little confused and ended up the Macca’s…Never fear Loz your knight on a shiny bike (Noel – Albert Valley branch) is here to rescue you, not sure how he ended up at the wrong place also…
Anyway all united again another draw was on the agenda and of course I missed this one too…you guessed it I was in the naughty corner again…these damned smokes are going to cost me fortune in fines. Apparently I won the drawn…the prize was to write the ride report.
We then headed home and peeled off at our various destinations, overall a great day was had by all…